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About the Beyond Presentations Programme

What can I expect from the Beyond Presentations Course? 

The programme is highly practical, and you will present at every workshop - either a prepared or an impromptu talk. You will receive actionable feedback each time. Between each workshop, you will receive approximately 2 hours of coursework in video or article format, so we spend our time together consolidating the recommendations and practising rather than teaching. 

Outcomes you can expect 

  • More confidence when speaking in public

  • Clear and impactful presentations 

  • Greater levels of persuasion and influence 

  • Slide design for impact

  • Structured storytelling and narrative building, particularly from reports or data 

  • Skills for stagecraft & online presenting

  • Stage presence and sense of gravitas

  • Greater levels of persuasion and influence


What is the course outline? 

Our workshops cover the following elements:

  1. Set up for success 

  2. A structure that works

  3. Slide design for impact 

  4. Storytelling 

  5. Stagecraft and online presentation 

  6. Integration 

How much time will this take? 

Aside from the workshops, there will be around 2 hours of content and preparation you

need to complete between sessions. So, you can expect about 3-4 hours of work in total.


Can I present work-related material? 

Absolutely!  You may use whatever you’d like on the course. 

  • Sales presentations 

  • Pitches 

  • Annual reports 

  • Keynote presentations

  • Information talks 

  • A personal story or presentation 


I panic when I even think of speaking in public. Can I attend? 

Yes, you can! We will have two individual coaching sessions to speak about any specific fears or challenges you have. In addition, you will receive exercises to assist with nerves and feedback that will help you feel more confident sharing your ideas. (Also, you are not alone! Almost all my clients experience serious nerves before speaking!)

Who is Carryn? 

I’ve been working with TED and TEDx speakers since 2012, helping them get ready to share their ideas on stage. I blend my speaker coaching experience with my Integral Coaching qualification and communications skills to ensure a holistic approach to this programme. My clients include global, blue-chip organisations as well as dynamic solopreneurs. 

You can learn more on my LinkedIn profile over here

What is the coaching all about? 

This course blends the personal and practical elements of giving an excellent presentation. In our 75-minute coaching sessions, we’ll discuss anything holding you back from sharing your ideas with confidence. I qualified as an Integral Coach in 2014 and use that as a basis for my coaching work. These coaching sessions are 100% confidential. 

If you would like additional individual coaching sessions, please let me know, and I will send through rates. 


I want to do a TED talk. Can you help me? 

Your first port of call would be to connect with your local TEDx event organiser (and have an original idea worth sharing). While we will use many TED and TEDx resources, and you are welcome to use this course to design the outline of your idea, this course will not help you get a space on the TED or TEDx stage. 

Do you give me feedback in front of everyone? 

Yes, that way, we all learn from each other. I offer feedback in a positive and supportive manner so you’ll get actionable insights and know what you could shift for next time. 


How many people are on the course? 

A maximum of 8 people on this programme to allow everyone to present each time.  


How do I sign up or get more information? 

To sign up, drop me a mail at 

For more information, book a 15-minute information slot in my calendar here

While I have done a lot of presentations to many varied audiences, Carryn’s practical approach has taught me functional tips and techniques that have completely transformed my approach to virtual and in-person public speaking.


I put her teachings to good use every single day!

Barry Futter 

Owner: AdventureWorks

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