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Need to fit a lot of information into your presentation - PATCH it up!

There are many times when we need to fit a lot of information into a work presentation.

Delivering a lot of information in a presentation can feel quite intimidating. Most importantly, we want our audience to be interested in our message and remember the information we share. Whether it is a year-end report, options for new products, a project plan or an introduction to new technology, a clear structure is the best way to achieve this.

Here are five techniques for organising the middle of your presentation for ease and memorability.


Can you move around a map or venue? This works exceptionally well when comparing the performance of different locations in your business.


Sometimes you need to go from A-Z or create a simple, memorable, word-based framework…. like PATCH (as you’ll soon see).


Take the audience through a timeline, from start to finish. Don’t be too slow, though; this can get boring.


Categorising your information is helpful when moving through various departments, foods or seasons. It’s essential to be clear when you’re moving from one category to another and if you are doing a long presentation online, maybe offer a break between one of these sections.


List the elements in order of importance, typically working from least to most important. An excellent way to keep attention is to hint at the most important and build up to that.

So there you go. Next time you need to deliver a lot of information in a presentation, use a PATCH and make it memorable.

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