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What People Say!

Josh Ramsey

Carryn walked with me through the sharing of my deeply personal story of overcoming of a poor relationship with pornography and digital media, talk about stepping into vulnerability!

She encouraged and challenged me to ensure my TEDx presentation was all it could be.

The impact of her advice and guidance did not end in the moments she sat with me as I was about to go onto stage, but remain with me as I continue to present as a Digital Wellness speaker.

She is the real deal.
If you are serious about stepping up as a presenter, its a no brainer.

Chilly Chanda

 TEDxCapeTown License holder

Carryn Ortlepp is a trusted, kind and phenomenal speaker coach that the TEDxCapeTown team has had the privilege of working with. Over the last 8 years, she has prepared and supported a number of our diverse speakers, across various topics and disciplines, as they embarked on their journey to the TEDx stage. She’s also been a key person in the mentorship of our internal Speaker team.  

We highly recommend Carryn’s talents, expertise and proficiency. She’s a dedicated, hardworking, authentic individual who really cares about what she does, and has the unique ability to coach anyone.

Tom Dawson-Squibb

Head Coach UCT, Performance Coach WP Rugby & the Stormers, Speaker.

I have had the privilege of Carryn's help on a number of occasions in preparing to speak in public. Public speaking has always been something I have enjoyed and been reasonably good at. However, being reasonably good and excellent are two very different things. I asked Carryn to help me move my talks from entertaining and interesting to remarkable, slick and moving.
Carryn has a wonderful manner about her help - she listens attentively and boosts your confidence through her warm nature and interest, whilst also not holding back in being absolutely direct in her suggested changes. I liked that! This lack of beating around the bush allowed me to get straight to the point of changing my talk into something more impressive.
Carryn clearly has a lot of experience and when she speaks you listen, because in my opinion, when it comes to captivating audiences, you really don't know what you don't know I will be using Carryn a lot in my career and I look forward to learning a lot more from her going forward.

Baratang Miya

CEO - GirlHype

Carryn has an extremely amazing way to make one realize that you can either mess up an opportunity of a lifetime by taking things for granted or you can have an idea worth spreading and change lives. She is excellent with people and words. When reality and doubts crept in, Carryn was there, with a smile and lots of humor in the process.
Hand-in-hand with Carryn Ortlepp, I learned how to craft my talk. I now know how to write, time myself speaking and really learned the fine art of tweaking words to flow and engage the listener, to make sense to myself as a speaker. Carryn has what I call a God given ability to listen and make one choose the right words that captures the essence of what you want to say and make every line create an impact. It’s really her magic, to sit quietly, listen to
every word you say and when you stop she says “you have been speaking for the last three minutes, how do we make it thirty seconds. When you say something she likes she stops you and say :

  “ That quote's worthy, I got the chills”.

That build my confidence and belief in myself and I am now spreading the same messages at the United Nations.
Though I was a confident person when I met Carryn Ortlepp, I really didn’t believe in myself as a speaker that can command the stage. I write ideas with love these days. I believe in me.

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