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About Us!

Carryn Ortlepp

Lead Presentation Strategist

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Communication is the most impactful tool in any leader’s arsenal and helping leaders communicate more effectively is how I like to make a positive impact in the world.

In the last 8 years, I’ve volunteered to help over 100 TEDx speakers prepare to share their ideas on stage. My expertise in coaching, communications and presenting results in speakers feeling prepared and confident in their message and their delivery.

I thrive on empowering others to share their ideas or information and do it with confidence.

My TEDxCapeTown talk centred on my experience of what makes that platform truly magic - community, support and a passion for the same thing - enabling others to share their ideas. 

The path that led me here...
After completing my degree in Organisational Psychology at the University of Cape Town, I travelled for a few years before starting a career in the tourism and hospitality sector.
Working at 5* hotels and leading incentive groups travelling through Southern and Eastern Africa gave me an insight into different cultures, what makes people tick and, most importantly, how to surprise and delight people in any setting!

After 11 years, I shifted careers into professional development, gaining international qualifications as an Integral Coach, an Enneagram coach and as an NLP facilitator. In time, my interest in the business side of consulting resulted in a role as the Chief Operations Officer at a boutique global leadership consultancy.

Here I got to work with a team that believed like I do, that the leadership of an organisation is what leads to its success and has the greatest impact on its people.

The opportunity to present ideas and information to others is a great privilege. The Great Presentation Company will help you make the most of each of those opportunities. 

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